Saturday, May 16, 2020

Animals for Research and Experimentation - 678 Words

Currently it is estimated that more than 100 million animals are used for research and experimentation on around the world every year. Apart from all the benefits of animal testing there are many good reasons which support banning the experimentations on animals such as: animal cruelty, selfishness, and danger of using the experiments result. Therefore animal experimentation should be banned. These days, animal testing has brought a lot of issues in the society. The first and foremost argument that is presented against animal testing deals with the issue of animal cruelty. The pain which is caused to the lab animals and the condition in which they are held captive for experimentation are not healthy at all. During the research process animals are killed and harmed, isnt killing an animal the same thing as murder? Were now living in the 21st century, and subjecting animals to long and painful experiments is no longer needed to advance as a society. Banning animal testing will in no way hurt any advancement in the future. 9 out of 10 times, the testing is found inaccurate in the end anyways. We now have alternatives such as bio-engineering and computer modelling that can provide us better, more accurate results than animal testing. Its also a much faster and cheaper method. Would you allow testing products, etc. on human babies or those mentally disabled because they have l ower IQ than the average adult human? Obviously not because its not ethical. Then how is it thatShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper Animal Experimentation2167 Words   |  9 PagesAnimal Experimentation i Should Animal Experimentation Be Abandon? Veronica Liang ESL 408C Marcia Rauch November 18, 2011 Animal Experimentation ii Research Paper Outline Title: Should Animal Experimentation be Abandon? I Introduction Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a debatable issue in modern society. 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If your answer is yes, then you can thank animal research because â€Å"Without animal research, medicine as we know it today wouldn’t exist† says Kristen Cook from So, although animal experimentation can be labeled animal cruelty, sometimes using animals to experiment on is the only option for research. Animal experimentation research has brought many lifesaving medical benefits to the world. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthroughRead MoreEssay about Using Animals in Research and Experimentation623 Words   |  3 PagesAnimals should be used for research and Experimentation because if the animals get sick or show any signs of acting abnormal then the scientists know it isn’t safe for humans to use. Animal research has played a big role in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade. Animals have the same organ system that perform the same task, which helps determine if what is being tested is safe for humans to use. 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