Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Position entirely your own about what 'college level writing' should Essay

Position altogether your own about what 'school level composition' should look like or what measures understudies ought to must be succe - Essay Example School level composing would be distinguished from its structure. In a perfect world, the understudy should give the arrangement of the writing in the primary section, and afterward followed by supporting passages to be summed up in the last passage. The theory proclamation ought to show up in the early on passage, giving a sign of what the composing involves. In supporting the principle thought in the composition, the essayist ought to acquire from different sources. No essayist holds all the data required and should accordingly counsel other dependable sources. Lunsford (n.d.) bolsters this contention taking note of that a coordination of a lot of different sources into a bit of composing shows the expository part of an author and the capacity of such an essayist to think at a more elevated level. Singular sections receive a comparable structure, having early on, clarifying and finishing up sentences. Notwithstanding, researchers and workmanship understudies could contend against t his structure, giving instances of compositions of task reports and sonnets. They would contend that composing could embrace any structure as long as it imparts the expected data adequately. Indeed, even with this methodology, the fundamental structure would at present need to apply where the essayist starts with a presentation, demonstrating the destinations of the composition, at that point follows with a supporting body before giving an end. To think of a rational bit of composing, altering assumes a significant job. As Lunsford (n.d.) noted, altering disposes of spelling, language and accentuation botches. This makes the composing justifiable to the peruser. Content in school level composing is profoundly respected. As noted, undergrads have become recorded as a hard copy and ought to accordingly have the option to grant information through their composition. Having experienced essential instruction and afterward to secondary school, such understudies ought to have been presente d to a ton of composing assignments. From the missteps made and the viewpoints that remunerated more, the understudies ought to have taken in the necessities for a compelling composition. At the school level, the essayists would be required to think notwithstanding composing. Information would possibly be imparted if the essayist prevails with regards to investigating and assessing different writings from which data has been obtained. Thusly, I bolster the contention by Lunsford that an essayist at this level ought to have the option to â€Å"bring different voices into the conversation† such that makes the composing enlightening (n.d., 184). In any case, I value the individuals who might contend against the need to obtain from outer sources in order to give immaculate wiring, for example, those in innovative and masterful composition. Regardless of this contention, it is imperative to take note of that such compositions have acquired from outer sources whether intentionally or unwittingly. The capacity to assess these sources, extrapolate and coordinate them in the composing produces powerful school level authors. School composing ought to be roused by the need to satisfy the goals of the given directions. Thos of the way of thinking of Lunsford demonstrate that composing ought to be driven by what one puts stock in. Truth be told, while breaking down the composition by â€Å"

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Western Pennsylvanian Election 1937 and the New Deal :: essays research papers

In a period where men buckled down for what they had yet had little to appear for it. At the point when enormous corporate proprietors were declining to permit laborers into associations came about the New Deal. This proposition would not simply change the lives of the laborers during this time, it would change the lives of Americans for quite a long time to come.      In the Steel Valley of Western Pennsylvania, 1937, the appointment of government authorities had changed from years past. There was realignment of the ideological groups and the ideological groups changed situations for quite a long time to come. With the assistance of the Little New Deal in Western Pennsylvania, the measure of work and fulfillment expanded.      With the appointment of Franklin D. Roosevelt to leader of the United States because of the Depression of the thirties, there will undoubtedly be change. There was an extraordinary enthusiasm for the thoughts of FDR’s New Deal. The intrigue and endorsement sought the hands on laborers and lower-pay family units. The high society endorsement then again was on it path down, in light of the fact that all things considered the New Deal would be basically detracting from the privileged residents, entrepreneurs, and giving center lower class more.      Now that these new thoughts were being used the laborers needed another type of neighborhood government. On the off chance that they would leave neighborhood government the manner in which it was they would consistently be pushed around. Along these lines, white collar class Americans would run for nearby government. The town would be bound to choose somebody who has been in their situation previously and need to get them out when they would strike rather then get the police and split it up. They would require somebody with power on their side and that’s what they did.      In the year 1936 around 50% of the individuals in Pittsburgh, Pa casted a ballot Democratic with around nine percent Republican and three percent for another person. Thirty seven percent of individuals didn’t vote. This was an incredible increment in voters from 1932 when just forty-two percent of the individuals casted a ballot. This demonstrated as more individuals casted a ballot the republicans despite everything were getting more votes yet the Democrats were fleeing with the measure of individuals casting a ballot. On account of President Roosevelt’s plan to expand the quantity of employments and his eagerness to engage with the huge organizations, individuals needed to see this experience. Individuals needed to have this security that they were not getting from the Republican government.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Music In My Life Presenation Essay

MUSIC Music is an impact in everyone’s life. The sort of music you tune in to can shape the individual you become and how you act in various circumstances. The main instrument I figured out how to play was the piano. I just played for about a year or somewhere in the vicinity, at that point I proceeded onward to the violin. I was a major aficionado of the violin and review playing in a few presentations with my teacher. I saw the presentations as both energizing and harrowing simultaneously, yet at long last it was a life-changing encounter I was unable to live without. During my secondary school years I turned into an enthusiast of the guitar. I began playing the acoustic guitar and I delighted in it more than each other instrument I at any point played growing up. Upon my secondary school graduation, I bought my own electric guitar. From that day on I attempted to play it as regularly as Possible, yet now I don't possess the energy for it like I used to which is a disgrace and dis couraging. MY DREAMS One of my feelings of trepidation in life isn't having sufficient opportunity to accomplish the entirety I had always wanted. I couldn't imagine anything better than to go on a journey to the Caribbean. While growing up, get-aways with my family were a major piece of my life and proceeding with that way of life is of most extreme significance to me. I am an audacious sort of individual and would appreciate doing a couple â€Å"extreme† exercises throughout my life. These exercises would comprise of skydiving and bungee bouncing. Another fantasy of mine is to visit each state in the United States, just as movement around the globe. Later on throughout everyday life, I might want to finish my profession objectives by getting my PhD to encourage my vocation. Perhaps the greatest dream I plan to accomplish some time or another is go to Germany and visit the town named after my family. In Germany, my family was viewed as Dukes and we in the long run had a town named after us. This would be a perfect get-away and it is one the most astonishing things I plan to do sooner or later in my life.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Research Proposal on Mental Disorders Cases in Justice Legal System - Free Essay Example

Introduction Cases of mental illness associated with people who are in the correctional systems have become an area of concern in our current world that is filled with all sorts of social and evil crimes. The argument on the need and concern for mentally ill people that have been promoted by the opinion that most mental illness more likely gets it while they are in the correctional facilities. It is a great challenge for a mentally ill individual to cope up well with normal. People who are faced with the situation of dealing with relatives who are mentally ill can explain it well. Mental illness is mostly natural in human nature; our biological makeup is a major cause of the abnormality. The most serious area that has raised the alarm and that need to be addressed is when mental illnesses are associated with our criminal justice system. The numbers of inmates getting mental illnesses have been adding up the day after the other our correctional systems. In the event of 1960s that saw the discharge of psychiatric people into the society with no full mental health made the situation worse and has been the sole cause of inmates with mental illness. The individuals lack common sense and their situation prompt them to involve in a law-breaking activity that will render them into jail, thus increasing the number in our correctional as compared to our hospital where they should be. Literature review This study will be based on the available scholarly works which have been conducted related to the issues of mental health in inmates both adults and children in the prisons and juveniles systems. This studies focused on the increased instances of mental illnesses among inmates incarcerated in the United States prisons. These studies will help in exploring the issue of mental illness in the united states jails. According to Houser and Belenko, (2015)critical mental illness has been reported as the most prevalent problem in the United States justice systems leading to the rebranding of the jails and prisons as the modern asylums. For instance, the Los Angeles County Jail, it has been reported to be holding more mentally ill inmates than most mental health hospitals in the United States. Generally, it is estimated that 22% of inmates in the United States and 16 %of people detained in state prisons are approximate to have critical mental disorders. this prevalence adds up to 384,00 inmates with severe mental disorder in the United States in the year 2015 which is almost ten times the number of mentally ill persons in the states hospitals. In another study they carried out in Maryland and Michigan prisons and jails highlighted that 15 percent of the inmates had some signs and symptoms of mental illness. The number of women who had their symptoms was more than eh a number of males. The major symptoms identified were major depression, bipolar illness, impaired judgment among others. Mentally ill inmates spent more time than other inmates in the jails or prisons (Petersilia, 2014). The reason behind this is they find it challenging and hard to adhere to the prison and jail rules and regulations. Mentally ill inmates have the probability of being detained for a duration that is twice longer than that of normal inmates. They take a lot of time to understand, and they are violent. To illustrate in a study conducted in Washington state jails, and prison found that mentally ill inmates were liable for almost 45% of rule violations despite their low percentage of 15% of the whole population. The cost of detaining mentally ill inmates is absolutely high due to their unique needs which require immediate attention. There is the need for specialized facilities which suit their frequent violent needs. Also, they have more staffing needs as compared to the other inmates. Prisons incur these costs due to the psychiatric medical care provided to the mentally ill detainees and also the costs of settling legal suits arising from the treatment of mentally challenged detainees in the premises of the jail (Cowell, Hinde, Broner, Aldridge, 2015). A study conducted by Prins, (2014) , to investigate the number of managerial problems caused by mentally challenged inmates in the United States prisons ; found that mentally challenged inmates pose a challenge to the management team as they attempt to control and manage the behaviors of the inmates in the p risons. Inmates with mental disorders make it hard for the management to oversee their behavior due to their perceptions and challenging needed. Some may not be willing eat; others dont like wearing clothes among other behaviors. Suicidal cases is another major challenge associated with mental illness in the prisons were inmates kill themselves. A study conducted in Washington highlighted that an estimate of 78percent of the inmates with mental disorders attempted to commit suicide while in the correctional facilities (DeGue, Fowler, Calkins, 2016). The instances have been accelerated by the strict, measures of forcing all the mentally challenged persons into the legal justice systems. The society views mentally ill persons as a liability to the community and thus channeling them into the prisons. This has not been a solution because they feel troubled and isolated from their families to the extent of taking away their life. According to a study conducted by Wagner and Sakala ( 2014), in several United States jails and prisons found that screening has to be don for all admissions to detect the signs of and symptoms of mental illness at early stages for medication. He further pointed out that mental disorders increases due to the conditions the inmates are subjected to while in the prisons. Early screening and medication will help curb the issue of mental illness in the United States and enhance the mental health of the inmates. The scope of the current study. The study needs to determine the prevalence of individual with mental illness who are in the jail. Due to the increase in some people having mental disorders in the jail system, there is need to address the issue before our correctional centers are filled with psychiatric individuals who need to be receiving medication rather than correction of that sort. The study will investigate the following research questions: 1) will the health of the mentally ill people deteriorate when put in jail? 2) What is the effect caused by mental ill not sent to the hospital for medication? 3) Is the increased number of mental illness inmates being accommodated in the correctional facilities? Methodology. Data Collection Procedures. The research will obtain the data by observing the behavior of the mentally ill people when they are put in the correctional centers. The data will also be obtained from a survey done in the local jails. The bureau of justice statistics has an order of surveying the inmates after every period of five years. The data will also be evaluated based on the entry record of the inmates as they joined the correctional centers. The data will be aimed at finding the number of facilities with the increased number of mentally ill inmates. The study will help identify if there is any relation between the increased mental illness and the increased inmates in the correctional facilities. Research Design Lack of medical attention of the mentally ill people exposes them to active participation in the evil activities that makes them be sent to correctional facilities. The research question that is under study is the prevalence rate of mental illness compared with the number of correctional facilities. The study will apply the use of questionnaires that will be sent to the local jails in the United States to get clear information from the officers in charge and also the inmates who have no mental illness. The study will also apply observation as a way of obtaining data, where it will be based on two groups of inmates: the mentally ill inmates and the mentally upright inmates. The mentally upright inmates will be used as a control experiment to compare with the behavior of mentally ill. The study makes use of the ANOVA test to compare the difference between the two groups of inmates. The study will be based on the cross-sectional design which will be conducted at only one time to co mpare the mentally ill inmates and the non-mentally ill inmates (Moschopoulos, 2014). Selection of participants. The study will make use of different types of participants who are related to the field. Therefore 20 officers will be used and 50 inmates who are mentally ill for observation purpose and 40 non-mentally inmates. Planned Data Analysis. The planned data analyzes will help the researcher to find the relation between increased mentally ill people and the corresponding of inmates in jails. The study will determine whether the mental illness contributes to the rising figure of criminals in the jails. The second analysis is on the behavior of mentally ill people when they are put in the jails. The analysis will help in finding a solution for the mentally ill people, to determine which facility they should be in, that best suits their condition. Conclusion. In conclusion, the research is expected to produce results that will help the researcher to compare the behavior of mentally ill and non-mentally ill inmates. The researcher will determine whether the population of inmates is affected by mental ill diseases among the people. The prevalence of mentally ill inmates are alarming, and the probability is that it is contributed by the mental illness in the society. References Cowell, A. J., Hinde, J. M., Broner, N., Aldridge, A. P. (2015). The cost of implementing a jail diversion program for people with mental illness in San Antonio, Texas. Evaluation and Program Planning, 48, 57–62. DeGue, S., Fowler, K. A., Calkins, C. (2016). Deaths Due to Use of Lethal Force by Law Enforcement: Findings From the National Violent Death Reporting System, 17 US States, 2009–2012. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51(5), S173–S187. Houser, K., Belenko, S. (2015). Disciplinary responses to misconduct among female prison inmates with mental illness, substance use disorders, and co-occurring disorders. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 38(1), 24. Moschopoulos, P. G. (2014). Testing in Two-Way ANOVA with Random Cell Sizes. Petersilia, J. (2014). California prison downsizing and its impact on local criminal justice systems. Prins, S. J. (2014). Prevalence of mental illnesses in US state prisons: a systematic review. Psychiatric Services , 65(7), 862–872. Wagner, P., Sakala, L. (2014). Mass incarceration: the whole pie. Northampton, MA: Prison Policy Initiative.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Animals for Research and Experimentation - 678 Words

Currently it is estimated that more than 100 million animals are used for research and experimentation on around the world every year. Apart from all the benefits of animal testing there are many good reasons which support banning the experimentations on animals such as: animal cruelty, selfishness, and danger of using the experiments result. Therefore animal experimentation should be banned. These days, animal testing has brought a lot of issues in the society. The first and foremost argument that is presented against animal testing deals with the issue of animal cruelty. The pain which is caused to the lab animals and the condition in which they are held captive for experimentation are not healthy at all. During the research process animals are killed and harmed, isnt killing an animal the same thing as murder? Were now living in the 21st century, and subjecting animals to long and painful experiments is no longer needed to advance as a society. Banning animal testing will in no way hurt any advancement in the future. 9 out of 10 times, the testing is found inaccurate in the end anyways. We now have alternatives such as bio-engineering and computer modelling that can provide us better, more accurate results than animal testing. Its also a much faster and cheaper method. Would you allow testing products, etc. on human babies or those mentally disabled because they have l ower IQ than the average adult human? Obviously not because its not ethical. Then how is it thatShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper Animal Experimentation2167 Words   |  9 PagesAnimal Experimentation i Should Animal Experimentation Be Abandon? Veronica Liang ESL 408C Marcia Rauch November 18, 2011 Animal Experimentation ii Research Paper Outline Title: Should Animal Experimentation be Abandon? I Introduction Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a debatable issue in modern society. Some people argue that animal testing should be kept due to medical benefits and research study conveniences. However, I think animal experimentation should be banned by refutingRead MoreEssay on Animal Experimentation and Research2491 Words   |  10 PagesAnimal Experimentation and Research In the basement of the psychology department here, a poster hangs on the wall; on it is a picture of two white lab rats and a caption that reads, ?They?ve saved more lives than 911.? This poster hangs on the wall of the room where I performed brain surgery on a rat. Many people would be morally opposed to this and any other form of animal research and experimentation and feel that it should be banned. This heated debate has been going on for centuries withRead MoreAnimal Experimentation For Scientific Research2520 Words   |  11 PagesAnimal Experimentation for scientific research is a contentious issues and the subject of much debate. On one hand it is considered morally wrong to use animal solely for human benefit. On the other hand, removing animals, completely from the lab would impede any understanding of health, disease and consequently affect the development of new and vital treatments. Two essential questions needed to be asked is does it work and is it ethical? The first is easy : yes it works. However some would sayRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Is Necessary For Medical Research1484 Words   |  6 Pagesthink if an animal tested product is being bought or not? Innumerable people fail to consider how these products came to be or if there was animal experimentation was involved. Many people are oblivious to the appalling occurrences that take place in laboratories involving animal cruelty on a daily basis. Government officials and scientists believe that testing on animals is essential for medical research, but many of the results prove to be irrelevant and the reality is that most animals that are experimentedRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Be Used For Research1600 Words   |  7 Pageswhether the practice of animals research should be used. Many people believe animals are needed for research, while others think it is not fair for animals to be sacrificed and treated poorly during research. Animals used for research has bettered m any human lives by new discoveries and advantages. Many people such as doctors, scientists, hospitals, research institutes use animal research to view how the human body works and to advance in scientific understanding. The first animal experiment started inRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Is The Only Option For Research978 Words   |  4 Pagesthe flu? If your answer is yes, then you can thank animal research because â€Å"Without animal research, medicine as we know it today wouldn’t exist† says Kristen Cook from So, although animal experimentation can be labeled animal cruelty, sometimes using animals to experiment on is the only option for research. Animal experimentation research has brought many lifesaving medical benefits to the world. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthroughRead MoreEssay about Using Animals in Research and Experimentation623 Words   |  3 PagesAnimals should be used for research and Experimentation because if the animals get sick or show any signs of acting abnormal then the scientists know it isn’t safe for humans to use. Animal research has played a big role in nearly every medical breakthrough over the last decade. Animals have the same organ system that perform the same task, which helps determine if what is being tested is safe for humans to use. Most of the medicines animals use the same medicine as humans like antibiotics, painRead More Needless Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation is Wrong939 Words   |  4 PagesNeedless Animal Experimentation is Wrong    If penicillin had been tested on guinea pigs, it might never have reached the public. It is lethal to guinea pigs, deactivates the blood system of rabbits and is deadly to cats (Bio-Medical Research). Scientists are pushing for more experiments regardless of the cost to the animals life. One expense is the involvement of killing animals in the pursuit of a pine-scented air freshener(Vergoth,p21). Animals suffering in experimentation labs areRead More The Cruelty of Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1381 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cruelty of Animal Testing and the Need for Alternative Methods In his book Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals, Dr. Michael W. Fox estimates that twenty-five to thirty-five million animals are used in the United States each year for laboratory testing and research (58). Research involving tests done on animals is unnecessary and cruel. More humane methods of research need to be employed. Fox states that animal tests on cosmetics and household products are nothingRead More Horrors of Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Essay1648 Words   |  7 PagesThe Horrors of Animal Testing    The torture and murder of millions of animals annually has been occurring for centuries now. Every year we ignore it, and every year the numbers grow. The act of vivisection or the practice of experimenting on animals began because of religious prohibitions against dissection of human corpses. After religious leaders lifted these prohibitions, it was too late. Vivisection had become a major part of medical and educational research. As well as major part of product

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Understanding Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction The aim of this report is to establish an understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability, Ethics and their applied application by a multinational corporation (MNC) like Walmart. This report is based on the case study ‘Walmart: Love, Earth ®Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which identifies key points which are the criticism faced by the multinational corporation (MNC), business practices that are/were unethical and which ethical theories did/ do they violate and why do MNCs like Walmart address their social and environmental impacts. The case study is very important as it outlines the way the MNC works and the different types of violations breached by Walmart like poor treatment of work shop employees and also the good deeds MNCs do†¦show more content†¦The purpose of CSR is to drive change towards sustainability. There are many definitions of sustainable development, including this landmark one which first appeared in 1987:Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.— from the World Commission on Environment and Development’s (the Brundtland Commission) report Our Common Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). Sustainable development is growth that encounters the requirements of the present without conceding the capability of future generations to meet their own requirements. It covers two key notions; the idea of requirements, in specific the vital requirements of the world s poor, to which overriding importance must be given; and the idea of restrictions enforced by the state of technology and social organization on the ecosystem s capability to meet current and upcoming requirements. Question 2: Why did Walmart face criticism for its business practices? What other MNC recently face criticism for its social responsibility and sustainability efforts? And why? Walmart faced criticism firstly, for its impact on the communities that it entered. Secondly, Walmart’s labor practices, they required, had to improve. Workers must be permitted to unionize, earn better wages,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My Choice to Attend College Essay Example For Students

My Choice to Attend College Essay Being the only person in the family to go to college is the greatest thing. Education is very important to me. However being the only one in the family to continue my education is very hard. Most of my family members have their opinions about me being very successful one day, while others think I should quit because it is a waste a time. My moment of triumph came when I discovered that Im finally doing what I love to do. I am learning to become the best software developer I can be. After graduating high school in May of 2008, I was ready to face the real world. Everything I had to do for college was done. When the semester started in August, I was a little scared because it was a different platform than high school. As soon as I got the hang of it, I was having fun and ready to start to the semester. Three months had passed and it was Thanksgiving. All of my family members and I were sitting at the dinner table of my grandma’s house. Everyone at the table had to say what they were thankful for that year. When it was my turn, I said that I was thankful for being a college student and learning knowledge. When I said that, all the opinions came flying out. For example, my cousins told me to quit because they did not go to college and they are doing good. However my mother and grandmother told me to continue my education because it is hard to get a job in this market without a degree. As time went on, what my cousins told me really stuck to me. I thought I could be successful without the degree. So I dropped out my second semester and I got a job. That was the biggest mistake of my life. For four years I was miserable because I was going to a job that I hated and I was not doing what I wanted to do. I forgot my goals and desires and focused on what other people wanted me to do. For those four years, I listened to a whole lot of people, mainly my family members, and let them bring me down the wrong path. I had the dream to be a computer programmer, but in reality I was an overnight stocker for Wal-Mart. I got so comfortable playing that role that I lost myself in the process. Being out of school and having a job that I hated was not the way I wanted my life to be. I thought this was it for me and I could not do anything else. Then one day the best thing happened to me. I was at home and I was getting ready for work. I got an emergency phone call from my aunt. It really was not an emergency. She just made it seem that way on the phone. She called because one of her friends had a computer problem and she asked me to take a look at it. I went to her house after work and I fixed her computer. She was so grateful she referred me to a whole lot of people with computer problems. I was doing this for three months and that’s when I realized that I love working with computers. So, I decided to quit my job and go back to school. In February of 2013, I enrolled at the ITT Technical Institute. Shortly after, I was hired as an IT help desk support representative for the Louisiana Department of Education. I finally realized that I am doing what I love to do. I’m not listening to everyone around me who wants to do what they want to do. At the end of the day, I have to do what is right for me and my future. .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .postImageUrl , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:hover , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:visited , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:active { border:0!important; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:active , .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u73e7b1f7193d3d45c62a508c20a9adbf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Red Badge Of Courage (651 words) EssayBeing the only member in your family to go to college is not a bad thing. It is one of the greatest experiences in life. It can also be tough when you have family members who do not have the same goals and desires. They have their own beliefs, while you have yours. Once you set your goals and desires on something, do not lose them. Keep them in mind whenever you have an obstacle or problem. At the end of the day, it is your life and you have the decision to do what you want to do or be torn down by someone else’s beliefs.