Saturday, December 28, 2019

10 Fascinating Facts About Painted Lady Butterflies

The painted lady is one of the most familiar butterflies in the world, found on nearly all continents and climates. They are a favorite subject of study in elementary school classrooms and are a familiar visitor to most landscape gardens. As common as they are, though, painted ladies have some interesting attributes, as these 10 facts demonstrate. They Are the Worlds Most Widely Distributed Butterfly Painted lady butterflies inhabit every continent except Australia and  Antarctica. You can find painted ladies everywhere from meadows to vacant lots. Although they live only in warmer climates, painted ladies often migrate to colder regions in spring and fall, making them the butterflies with the widest distribution of any species.   They Are Also Called Thistle or Cosmopolitan  Butterflies The painted lady is called the thistle butterfly because thistle plants are its favorite nectar plant for food. It is called the cosmopolitan butterfly because of its global distribution. They Have Unusual Migration Patterns The painted lady is an irruptive migrant, meaning that it migrates independently of any seasonal or geographic patterns. Some evidence suggests that painted lady migrations may be linked to the El Nià ±o climate pattern. In Mexico and some other regions, it appears that migration is sometimes related to overpopulation. The migrating populations that move from North Africa to Europe may include millions of butterflies.  In spring, painted ladies fly low when migrating, usually only 6 to 12 feet above the ground. This makes them highly visible to butterfly watchers but also makes them susceptible to colliding with cars. At other times, painted ladies migrate at such high altitudes that they are not observed at all, simply appearing in a new region unexpectedly.   They Can Fly Fast and Far These medium-sized butterflies can cover a lot of ground, up to 100 miles per day during their migrations. A painted lady is capable of reaching a speed of nearly 30 miles per hour. Painted ladies reach northern areas well ahead of some of their more famous migrating cousins, like  monarch butterflies. And because they get such an early start to their spring travel, migrating painted ladies are able to feed on spring annuals, like fiddlenecks (Amsinckia). They Do Not Overwinter in Cold Regions Unlike many other species of butterflies that migrate to warm climates in winter, painted ladies die once winter hits in colder regions. They are present in cold regions only because of their impressive ability to migrate long distances from their warm-weather breeding areas.   Their Caterpillars Eat Thistle Thistle, which can be an invasive weed, is one of the painted lady caterpillars favorite food plants. The painted lady probably owes its global abundance to the fact that its larvae feed on such common plants. The painted lady also goes by the name thistle butterfly, and its scientific name—Vanessa  cardui—means butterfly of thistle.   They Can Damage Soybean Crops When the butterflies are found in large numbers, they can do serious damage to soybean crops. The damage occurs during the larval stages when the caterpillars eat soybean foliage after hatching from eggs. Males Use the Perch-and-Patrol Method to Find Mates Male painted ladies actively patrol their territory for receptive females in the afternoon. Should a male butterfly  find a mate, it will usually retreat with its partner to a treetop, where they will mate overnight. Their Caterpillars Weave Silk Tents Unlike other caterpillars in the genus Vanessa, painted lady larvae construct their tents from silk. Youll usually find their fluffy shelters on thistle plants. Similar species, such as the American lady caterpillar, make their tents by stitching leaves together instead. On Overcast Days, They Go to Ground You can find them huddling in small depressions on such days. On sunny days, these butterflies prefer open areas filled with colorful flowers.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Christian s Acts Of Faith - 2105 Words

We’ve all been there before, searching for something to watch on TV, 500 channels and nothing catches our attention until we hear the yelling of the televangelist, â€Å"YOU JUST GOTTA HAVE FAITH! QUIT TRYING TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL! LET GO AND LET GOD!† For some that may be the solution they are searching for. They might be frustrated or let down by their own efforts of understanding. But does faith begin with â€Å"letting go (of reason and understanding) and letting God (reveal Himself to us)†? Is there any compatibility between exercising Christian faith and exercising reason? Does reason have a role or should it have a role in the Christian’s acts of faith? This has been a topic of discussion throughout history by many great thinkers. I am going to attempt to show that reason has an active role in exercising the Christian faith; at least attempt to show that reason and faith aren’t mutually exclusive. I will briefly discuss (1) different views of the philosophical divide taken by philosophizers over the ages (2) and biblical evidence of the use of reason (3) definition of biblical faith. The apparent conflict between faith and reason has brought much trouble to believers and non-believers alike through the centuries. Influences like Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason penned these words: â€Å"I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith† (1965, B:XXX) and Soren Kierkegaard held that the absolute limit to which our reason repeatedly isShow MoreRelatedThe Sacrifice Of Truth And Obedience1415 Words   |  6 Pagesworld where God is hidden, Christians must determine their own course of action and the Christian God often demands obedience that transcends understanding as Isaiah writes his understanding is unsearchable. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Byrons Don Juan Essay Example For Students

Byrons Don Juan Essay Byrons Don JuanOne writer who has not recieved nearly enough credit for his works isGeorge Gordon, who later became known as Lord Byron. This is the man who wrotehis own poetical version of Don Juan. Don Juan is a man who is known for beingable to arouse the desires of women and to love every one he meets. This DonJuan can be viewed, however, as a loosely disguised biography of Byron. Lord Byrons father, Captain John, has ancestors that go back as far asthe Buruns in the time of William the Conqueror. Back in this time it was verycommon for people to marry their own cousins. Captain John was married threetimes and was considered to be very smooth with the ladies. Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in London, and the following year heand his mother moved to Aberdeen, Scotland. His father soon followed, but itwouldnt be long before he would disappear to France and end up dying in 1791. It was just as well because his parents never got along very well. In Lord Byrons early years he experienced poverty, the ill-temper ofhis mother, and the absence of his father. By 1798 he had inherited the titleof 6th Baron Byron and the estate of Newstead Abbey. Once hearing this news, heand his mother quickly removed to England. All of Byrons passions developed early. In 1803 he had his firstserious and abortive romance with Mary Chaworth. At the age of15 he fellplatonically but violently in love with a young distant cousin, Mary Duff(Parker 10). He soon had another affair with a woman named Mary Gray. Soonhereafter he was involved with many liaisons with such women as Lady CarolineLamb and then Lady Oxford. Then just as Byron was beginning to live his life the way he had alwayswanted to, his mother dies in 1811. The following year he became immenselyfashionable and notorious. By 1813 he had began another affair with his half-sister Augusta. Continuing his search for the woman of his dreams, he marrysAnabella Milbanke in 1815 and has a daughter the same year. The next year Lady Byron leaves him to visit her parents and neverreturns. Separation papers are signed and he begins another liaison with ClaireClairmont. The following year(1817), they have a baby named Allegra. Not toolong after this he falls in love with yet another woman, named Marianna Segati. His next love happened two years later, Countess Teresa Guiccioli. Manysay she was his last love and his first. Byron met Teresa at an evening party. They soon began meeting secretly because she was married to Count AlessandroGuiccioli. She had auburn curls, large lovely eyes, beautifully shapedshoulders and arms, and an abundant bosom. She was completely intrigued byByrons beauty. Maybe they both felt that fate brought them together. It wascustomary in the code of serventismo for a married woman to have a lover andthe husband wasnt allowed to be jealous. Count Alessandro did know aboutTeresa and Byrons love for each other, but never spoke of it (Trueblood 99). After this liaison ended, Byrons life began to exhale love and devotionin vast quantities. Then his daughter, Allegra, and one of his close friends,Shelley, died in 1822. Two years later Lord Byron himself died. His body wasthen brought to England and buried in family vault at Hucknall Torkard nearNottingham. At his death he was the most famous poet in Europe and the mostnotorious sexual adventurer. .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .postImageUrl , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:hover , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:visited , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:active { border:0!important; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:active , .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526 .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u54cd3e693057738b6d0fac082ca06526:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Moses A Leader EssayLord Byron was a professional poet. His letters and journals prove hisconcern to be the best poet around and to be famous was consistently deep andserious. Ambition for power and popularity came first and remained always theprinciple reason for writing. Byron had a great range of interests andexperiences of ideas and emotion than your average man ever did (Boyd 4). Don Juan is, all-in-all, a legendary lover. Familiar with the Don Juanlegend, Byron deliberately altered the traditional character and made him theinnocent victim of womankind. He experiences love by natural disaster, slavery,war, the court, and the aristocracy. Its two main epic themes are love and war(Joseph 74). The first two cantos of the poem Byron wrote were published without anauthor or a publisher. Many thought the poem was novel and powerful, and causedgreat misgivings for Byrons publisher. Others hoped for the poem to bediscontinued. The first sample of Don Juan got a very mixed reception. Byronspublisher, Murray, told him the poem was too outrageously shocking and to reviseit. He did not listen to Murray. He believed in what he had created and hewanted to continue it.